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To help you decide if St Michael's CofE First School is the right place for your child a member of our team will be delighted to show you around and answer any questions. 


To arrange a visit please contact us on 01643 702759 or email the school office at: 


For more information on Admissions, our school Administrator, Mrs Lawrence, is more than happy to assist you.

Children who need a Reception Class place for September 2025

These places are administered by Somerset County Council, in line with their Admissions Policy. 
For further information please:

  • contact Somerset Direct: 0300 123 2224
  • or email
  • Alternatively use the below link and it will take you to the Local Authority Admissions Policy. 

In Year Admissions

Children moving from another school or in Years 1-4 are known as 'in year admissions'.

If you decide that you would like your child/ren to attend our school please complete an application.  The school's admission committee will then make a decision based upon:

· The information on the application

· Any Special Educational Needs and how the school can meet those

· Size of the class. If the class has a large number of children the practicality of admitting another child will need to be considered for legal and practical reasons.



Please contact our Administrator, Mrs Lawrence, at the school office for further information about in-year admissions on 01643 702759 or email the school office at ​​​​​​​

Admissions to Minehead Middle School

When children leave St Michael's C of E First School at the end of Year 4, they generally go to Minehead Middle School. Places must be applied for via Somerset Count Council. For further information please contact them on 0300 123 2224

or email them at Alternatively you can use the link below, it will take you to the Local Authorities Admissions Policy.
