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Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class

Hello and welcome to Hedgehog Class!

Hedgehogs are a Year 2 class taught by Mrs Claire BradshawMrs Bradshaw

and supported by Miss Agata Feld.



What's it like in Year 2?

Our aim is to develop children holistically to meet physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual needs of every child. We develop our class rules together to encourage ownership of our own learning and learning environment. 

In Year 2 we believe that all children have the ability to achieve their aspirations through developing a 'can do' attitude and a growth mind-set through engaging in a stimulating and challenging learning environment. 

Our aim within this is for the children to become confident, resilient and self-assured learners who are proud of theirs, and others' achievements.

We have a class 'Extra Home Learning board' for the children to show off their extra home learning or extra curricular achievements.  Alongside this, the children are invited to share what they have achieved through Show and Tell sessions.

Termly Curriculum Overviews - 2024-25

Our Learning

In Year 2 we learn through a variety of approaches.

Phonics, spelling and handwriting:

In Year 2 we learn to read and spell using the Read Write Inc Phonics and reading programme..  This is built on, using the knowledge and understanding taught in EYFS and Year 1.  Once the child is secure in all sets of 'special friends', they then progress onto the year 2 spelling patterns as set out in the Government Guidelines.  Phonics is is also learned through a Continuous Provision approach, allowing the children to explore and apply their own knowledge independently.

Year 2 also learn to read and spell the recommended Common Exception Words in a variety of ways.





In Year 2 we love to read!  Throughout the day we enjoy quite reading sessions which allow us all to sit quietly and get lost in a book - even the adults join in!

Apart from quiet individual reading, Year 2 also learn to read, decode and discuss a text through the Read Write Inc programme and through our carefully planned Whole Class and Guided reading sessions.  Model texts are used to support our understanding of a text.  We have sessions so we can give our opinions on why the author chose particular phrases or language, compare texts by the same author or with a similar theme.  Reading is a big part of the Year 2 curriculum and our aim is for all children to leave Year 2 confident, fluent readers.

In our classroom we have a 'Reading Nook' with a range of texts, selected for the topics we are learning and the interests of the children in our class.  We have opportunities to recommend books we have read through writing book reviews, a class 'Recommended Book' box and by sharing texts during 'Show and Tell' sessions.



In Year 2 we read and use carefully selected texts recommended by CLPE, the OA and the research that Mrs Bradshaw has undertaken.  These texts are used so we can learn to apply the grammar, language and layout to our own writing.  We read our class model text daily, sometimes adding actions which supports our learning of the text as well as getting us out of our seats!  Alongside this, we enjoy using drama and role play and the outside spaces to enhance our learning experiences.



      Using role play to interview

      an eye witness who heard a                    This is a strange letter we received about some dragons in our area.

      giant shouting for Jack who stole            This linked nicely to the text 'The Dragon Machine'.        

       his money and a golden hen!            



In Maths, Year 2 use and follow the NCTEM maths programme which allows us to learn the units we need to cover in small manageable steps.  We enjoy and benefit from using manipulatives to support our learning because this allows us to investigate and explore various ways to solve problems and discuss our methods and approaches.  This helps us all to learn as we all learn in different ways!




      Using Numicom to add          Using number beads.              Showing knowledge of         Using magnetic base 10.

      and subtract 10.                                                                     adding.




      Lego was a fun way of              Greater than and less than.   Playing cards are great for Maths!

      showing greater than and   

     less than.                 


Home Learning Expectations


In Year 2, your child will be given home learning to complete to support their learning in school.

  • Reading - At least 5 times a week with reading record books signed by an adult.  Your child should be reading for 15 minutes per day. 
  • Maths - Children should practice their Times Tables regularly.  By the end of Year 2 children should know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  See the Supporting Websites for more info.
  • Wider Curriculum - Voluntary work to engage and motivate children. Children then have the opportunity to share their homework with their peers during Show and Tell sessions and our weekly Whole School Celebration Worships.


Parent Partnership

A pupil's personal development, academic achievement and emotional wellbeing are all influenced by the nature of parent-teacher relationships.  Teachers and parents also benefit from a positive relationship - both parties feeling more valued and supported.  In Successful relationships become partnerships when there is two-way communication; parents and practitioners really listen to each other and value each other’s views and support in achieving the best outcomes for each child. In Hedgehog Class, we are always there for parents who have worries or just want a friendly conversation about their child. Our door is always open!


Our Environment



                            Reading Area                                            Reflection Area                                         Wellbeing Area


Additional support at Home:

Here is a list of useful websites to use at home. These links will take you to sites which are full of games and activities to help your child with their learning. Have fun!



Recommended Reads for Year 2:


Phonics & Spelling:

- Phonics Play:

- Spelling Play:




- TT Rock Stars - supporting with times tables:

- Problem solving in Maths



- Supporting spelling, grammar and punctuation:



- Supporting the Science topics we learn in Year 2


Online Safety:
- A website to support you and your child with staying safe online and while using the Internet:

- An online safety resource for young children.  A story about being responsible online, focusing on cyberbullying:


Search engines suitable for young children to use:


