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Design & Technology

St. Michael's Design & Technology Curriculum Statement


At St. Michael's, it is our intent that Design & Technology is an inspiring, practical subject which encourages children to use their imagination and creativity to solve real life problems. It is our aim that children will gain a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, computing and art. Children will follow the process from planning to developing and finally evaluating their work. By evaluating past and present technology, children will develop an understanding of the impact of design on our daily lives and on the wider world. We hope they will be inspired to become the designers,  engineers,  food scientists, architects and craftspeople of the future.

Our DT Lead for 2024-25 is:
Mrs Gemma Jackson

St. Michael's Design & Technology Curriculum Map - 2023-24



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Yr.R Making Cards:
Continued practice of joining skills to make cards
Yr.1Making Smoothies:
Closely linked to our learning about Humans and our senses, we will be learning about fruit and vegetables, learning how to prepare them to make our very own smoothies!

Slides & Levers:

Making 2D moving pictures using slides and levers.


A Seaside Picnic: following a range of Seaside themed recipes using fruit and vegetables, where possible the children have grown or locally sourced, before we design our own Seaside picnic


Wheels & Axels:

Teaching about exploring, designing, making and evaluating their own emergency vehicles.  During this topic the children will learn about wheels, axles and how different materials can be used for different purposes.  Their end produce will be an emergency vehicle inspired by our History topic of The Great Fire of London.



Designing Puppets:

Teaching about puppets.  Exploring a variety of puppets and how they are made.  Focus on designing, making and evaluating their own textile hand puppet after investigating the best ways to join the fabric and make it appealing to a specific audience.

Designing Puppets (cont.):

Continued work on puppets project.


Designing Boats:

Linking to our topics of Rocks we will be looking at and building our own levers and pulleys.  We will also link to our topic of Rivers and try to create our own boats to carry small weights.


Making Candles:

Completing an extended DT project.  The focus of the project will be candles.  Over the unit we will research into candles, look at their uses, styles and prices.  We will then plan our own candles with the ultimate plan of making our own candles.

Investigating Garden Birds: 
we will look at how we can help birds and then build our own bird boxes to be placed around the school.



Seasonal Foods:

Focusing on eating seasonally. We will link this to our Geography lessons and look at where in the world our food comes from and make Japanese fruit skewers. We will then focus on British seasonal foods and make a seasonal fruit crumble. Learning the health benefits of fruit and vegetables, using our knowledge to plan a fruit/vegetable tart. Our final lesson will involve the children making their seasonal tart.


Electrical Systems:

Electrical systems. Learning about electrical items and how they work. We will then analyse and evaluate electrical products. We will design a product to fit a set of specific user needs. Finally, we will make and evaluate the torch to use on our ‘explorer’ adventure.


