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Sports Premium

Our intent in the teaching of PE and Sport and St Michael’s CofE First School is to provide a wide range of PE and sports across the year for all children from Yrs.R-4 in order for them to participate, engage and develop their physical and social skills. We aim to maintain a high profile of PE and sport as a core area of the curriculum by providing high-quality lessons that are delivered by specialist PE teachers, as well as teaching staff who receive regular CPD to enhance the teaching of PE and sport.


PE and sports teaching is mapped out on the curriculum map for each class, to give an overview of planned PE and sport at St Michael’s. This links to and supports the preparation of children representing St Michael’s in various festivals and tournaments during the year. They are able to practice and develop the necessary skills and knowledge required for competitive sports in their PE lessons. In addition, afterschool and lunchtime clubs are delivered by No.1 Sports to provide further coaching, enhance skills and promote the enjoyment of sport.


In support of a successful PE curriculum both in and out of school, we use the Sports Premium to enhance our provision. We aim for our use of this funding to ensure that the children at St Michael's First School have plenty of opportunities to develop their skills and that they are exposed to a wide range of sports and activities during their time with us.


For more information about our PE Curriculum please visit Curriculum > Physical Education
