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Rabbit Class

Welcome to Rabbit Class

Hello and welcome to the Rabbit Class page!

Rabbit Class is a Reception class taught by Miss Charity Reindorp and Mrs Gemma Jackson.

The Teaching Assistant in Rabbit Class is Miss Ava Townsend.


Reception is a very important stage in a child's education. It helps your child get ready for school and lays the foundation for their future success and learning journey. The grown ups in Rabbit Class ensure that the children feel safe and secure, happy and valued as individuals. We nurture and tend to your child's emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs. We do this by getting to know the children really well! At the same time, our vision in Rabbit Class is to foster enquiring, confident and resilient learners and to do so through a rich, playful and provoking environment and curriculum. We seek to stretch your child's learning by extending their thinking and developing their knowledge and skills. We have lots of fun and we learn at the same time! 

We use our independent writing area and the resources there to make up stories and write with a purpose in mind. Writing is not however limited to just this area. We find reasons to write in all areas of our environment. 

In Rabbit Class we love to be engineers! We can construct on a large scale outside. We use our creations to develop our teamwork, role play and physical skills. 

Every year we perform a Nativity. 

EYFS Curriculum

In the Reception Class the children are assessed in the following 7 main areas of learning:

  • ​Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design


*Please see the link below for further information

Reception Home Learning Expectations and Parent Partnership

Reading - It is important that you read with your child daily for at least 15 minutes. Reading with your child is a vital learning opportunity and should be a fun  enjoyable experience. Reading can include books sent home from school, books you already have at home, trips you take to the library or even text you see in the environment e.g. reading the bus stop sign. Please always comment in your child's reading record book, your input of your child's learning is important to us. When reading with your child encourage them to look at the front cover and predict what might happen. Question your child as you read and ensure they are able to recall events that have occurred. When you have finished, can your child recall their favourite part of the story and give a reason why they think as they do?


Mathematics - Maths is everywhere in the home. With the support of parents, children can grasp many mathematical concepts through their play. You can make maths fun at home through songs, rhymes and toys e.g. counting how many animals there are in the box, playing board games, baking and cooking and interactive games. When you are out and about you could do a shape hunt or you could get your child to count the coins you need to buy an item at the shops. 


Handwriting/ Phonics - Please support your child to practise writing the letters they are learning at school using the correct Read Write Inc handwriting formation. Remember to always refer to the letters by the sounds they make and not their letter names. When asked, please also encourage your child to watch any Phonics video links that may be sent home and support your child to learn how to spell tricky words off by heart.


Parent Partnership - Parents are experts on their own child therefore all parents can enhance their child’s development and learning. Successful relationships between parents and educators can have long-lasting and beneficial effects on children’s learning and well-being. Successful relationships become partnerships when there is two-way communication; parents and practitioners really listen to each other and value each other’s views and support in achieving the best outcomes for each child. In Rabbit Class, the educators are always there for parents who have worries or just want a friendly conversation about their child. Our door is always open!

How we reward children in Rabbit Class

In Rabbit class we have many ways to reward the children who have made us say 'WOW'. 



*House Points


*Special Mentions in Collective Worship

Our Environment


Transition into school is exciting but it can also be daunting! Creating a smooth transition into school is vital to ensure your child gets the best possible start in their new setting. For many parents having a child start school will be a completely new experience so they may also be feeling anxious about the changes. We have many opportunities for the children and parents in the Summer term and Autumn term to help support a smooth transition. 

If your child attends Watery Lane Pre-School, then your child will be introduced to our school setting throughout their time at the Pre-school. They often play games in the hall, use the school swimming pool and visit Rabbit Class for occasional learning opportunities. In the Summer term there are many 'stay and play' sessions for children to visit the Reception classroom by themselves or with their parents. There is also a 'New Parents' presentation in the Summer term.  'How to help your child in their learning' presentations are offered to every parent. If there are any other concerns about your child starting school then please come to Rabbit Class and speak to Mrs Reindorp or book an appointment through the school office.


In the Summer term at the end of the Reception year we introduce the children to their Year one classroom and teacher. We will visit the classroom where we will do activities and story times. The Year one teacher will visit Rabbit Class to get to know the children. There is a move up day in July and if we feel some children would benefit from more transition visit then this will be arranged with the year one class teacher.

Useful Websites

