The School Council are a team of pupils who are elected democratically by their classmates. The job description is simple. They are there to listen, be kind and approachable.
The Council meet twice a term, to give feedback from their classmates regarding their concerns or ideas for their school. They set the agenda. Mr Smith takes minutes during the meeting and any points raised in the meetings are then shared with staff and trustees.
The School Council is extremely important. It provides a voice for the children to share their views and thoughts about their school community. At the beginning of each meeting we open each time with the following key statement: You are here because we value your ideas, your views and your opinions. They are important to us, we want to know what you think.
After each meeting, the minutes are shared with each class, and the School Council children feedback the views in class and ask other children to add their views to the conversation.
So far this academic year (2023-24), the School Council have discussed:
What qualities would we like to see in our new vicar?
Our ideas for more activities on the playground
School Rewards (including TT Rockstars Certificates, Attendance Stickers)
Reviewing our School Rules
How can we help and support our local community?
Being Safe in School
What Clubs and Trips would we like?