In the morning please ensure your child arrives by 8:55 am. Yr.1-4 children can enter their classroom when the gate opens at 8.40 am. At 8:55 am all children are registered. We ask that all Yr.R children enter school via the Rabbits Reception gate (on Watery Lane, next to the Nursery).
In accordance with the Attendance Policy registers close at 8.55 am. If your child arrives after the register closes they will be marked as late. Any arrivals after 9:00 am have to be signed into the office. Arrivals after 9.30 am, unless previously notified, will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
Your child may have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch to school. If they bring a packed lunch it should be clearly labelled with their name. Packed lunches should consist of healthy food with no nuts, chocolate bars, fizzy drinks or sweets. The children eat their meals in the dining hall and are looked after by the Mealtime Supervisors.
Our children have staggered lunches because space is limited in the lunch hall. Rabbit, Squirrel and Hedgehog have lunch from 12:00 pm and Otter and Red Deer have lunch at 12:20pm. If you are receiving Income Support, your child should be entitled to free school meals. A copy of the application form is available from the school office.
If you have a child in Reception, Year 1 and 2 there is no requirement to pay as they are entitled to universal free school meals.
Can my child bring food or drink to school?
We ask each child to bring a bottle of water (a sports bottle is preferable) to school to drink during the day. These can be refilled at school, if necessary. In Reception, Year One and Year Two the children are provided with a piece of fruit each day through the National Fruit Scheme. Children are not allowed to bring fizzy or sugary drinks, sweets or chocolate to school. School milk is free for under 5 year olds and to children entitled to free school meals, otherwise it costs approximately £18 per term. If your child would like to have milk, at school, please register at
In the afternoon your child will be released from class at 3:25 pm. In the interests of safety, Parents are requested to collect their Yr.1-4 children from the Playground. For Rabbits class, we ask that all Yr.R children exit the school via the Rabbits Reception gate (on Watery Lane, next to the Nursery).
The Office is not always available to answer the buzzer at all times. If you arrive before the gate is open please wait until the appropriate time. At all other times the gate will be closed for security reasons, and we would only expect to open the gate for deliveries, late attendees and appointments.