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Lunch Menus

School Meals 


Cooked meals are provided by Minehead Middle School, brought into St Michael's C of E First School and served in the Hall.  Currently meals cost £2.60 and are booked a week in advance, on a menu basis. 


All children in Key Stage 1 (Classes Reception, Year 1 and 2) are entitled to Universal Free School Meals under the Government Initiative Scheme.


Packed Lunches- Children in receipt of Free School Meals are provided with a packed lunch when they attend a school trip. These are ordered automatically.


As we do not have a dedicated kitchen here at St. Michael's our school Hot Lunches are transported here from Minehead First School every day.  Your child can have either a Hot Lunch or bring in a Packed Lunchbox.


The Hot Lunches are booked and paid for a week in advance by completing a Menu on your My Child At School app (MCAS). 

