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MFL - French

St. Michael's French Curriculum

At St. Michael's, our intent in teaching French is to introduce children to the delight of being able to communicate with people from a different country. We believe that teaching a second language opens a child up to a whole new culture and way of life, broadening their minds and fostering respect and curiosity. We teach practical lessons that will empower children to order food, buy tickets, ask directions and talk about themselves.


Our MFL curriculum ensures that children develop their knowledge of where different languages, but with most emphasis on French, are spoken in the world. By ensuring an emphasis on oracy, speaking and listening, children are more confident to start learning any language at Key Stage 3. They have a breadth of knowledge of cultural differences and customs and have an understanding of how the basics of the language work. They will have a wide vocabulary built from the songs, stories and topics they have enjoyed and as they progress in their learning, they can apply this vocabulary in increasingly sophisticated sentences, both spoken and written. Most importantly, they will understand that learning a language is fun.

Learning French is for everyone at St. Michael's CofE First School and provides opportunities for the actor, the singer and the problem solver to acquire new skills and communicate in a different language. We want our children to understand that there is a world beyond Minehead, so we are reaching out beyond our borders and understanding that French is spoken in many countries across the world and that there are similarities and differences in our cultures.

Yr.R French

The children will learn basis greetings
At register time, the children will learn to talk about how they are feeling. 
The children will learn to name some snacks.


Yr.3 French 


Through short bursts - Learn 4 out of 18 essential French sound patterns / phonemes so that pupils will improve their French pronunciation and also be able to read with improved accuracy in French: <ch>, <on>, <ou>, <oi>
Locate France, Paris and a few key cities on a map. 
Say our name, how we are feeling 
Learn up to 10 colours 
Count from 1-10 in French 
Name and recognise up to 10 instruments in French 
 Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct definite article/determiner in French 
Learn how to say ‘I play’ and instrument in French 
Recognise, remember and spell 10 action verbs in French
Use these verbs in the infinitive to form positive and negative sentence structures with ‘Je peux’ (I am able to) and ‘Je ne peux pas’ (I am unable to)
Attempt to combine positive and negative sentence structures to form longer and more complex sentences using the conjunctions ‘et’ (and) & ‘mais’ (but).

Learning about food, we will be talking about French names for several foods.  How to say what food you like to eat.  

Learning about school and what we need for school.


Yr.4 French

Through short bursts – Learn 7 out of 18 essential French sound patterns / phonemes so that pupils will improve their French pronunciation and also be able to read with improved accuracy in French: <ch>, <ou>, <on>, <oi>, <i>, <in>, <ique>, <ille>

Recognise, remember and spell 10 action verbs in French
Use these verbs in the infinitive to form positive and negative sentence structures with ‘Je peux’ (I am able to) and ‘Je ne peux pas’ (I am unable to)
Attempt to combine positive and negative sentence structures to form longer and more complex sentences using the conjunctions ‘et’ (and) & ‘mais’ (but).
Name, recognise and remember up to 10 fruits in French.
Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct article/determiner.
Ask somebody in French if they like a particular fruit. Say what fruits we like and dislike in French. Know how count to 20 in French.
Ask somebody how they are feeling and give an appropriate response back.
Ask somebody their age, name, where they live and reply.

